The Junior Chamber lnternational Southwest Collegiate chapters set to
seize the social media to sensitize the public on Malaria and its effect
in a joint campaign tagged Jaycees Against Malaria(#JAM), on 25th
April, 2017, due to the harmful diseases caused by mosquitoes on humans
and in celebration of the World Malaria day.
From a reliable source, Eyes of Lagos TV correspondents, gathered that
over 32 institutions has shared to effect the malaria campaign in which
some are by whatsapp group campaign, distribution of treated nets and
sensitization lectures, which will be taking place at the same time
today at different states of Southwest, Nigeria.
Junior Chamber lnternational, which is an organization of young active
citizens having coverage in many countries has committed her members by
creating impact through this campaign.
Eyes of Lagos reporters will be bringing you up to date news and information as the campaign moves on.
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