“Many, including those around you, and others currently felicitating with you had given up on you and actually started working on plans based on their assumption that you were not likely to come back alive.
“In truth, for which you can bear witness yourself, God Almighty snatched you from the jaws of death.
“This was not because you were president, or the millions you spent, or the extra competence of your doctors; since great people succumb to death, even in the UK and despite their medical expertise.
“You survived purely by the mercy of God, the creator of all flesh. That is why I was surprised that on your return, you thought it was more important to satisfy the demand of those who did not wish you well, or derided you for your ill-health.
“Your Excellency, what you needed to do, and you should still do, is to show appreciation to God who preserved your life and kept you alive against all evil expectations.
“On your instruction sir, glory must be given to God Almighty. All mosques should praise and thank God on your behalf on a chosen Friday.
“You may participate in this with family and close associates in the Villa Mosque. Your vice can lead a thanksgiving service at the Villa and this can be done throughout the country on the Sunday that follows.
“God has brought you back for a purpose; pray to know that purpose and ask for health and strength to achieve it.
“As our leader, and a God-fearing nation, let us begin to acknowledge God in our national affairs, so that He may direct and prosper our ways.”