Tell us about yourself
I was born in Dallas, Texas, but partially raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I moved to Hayward, CA when I was twelve.
I refer to myself as a creative-content-producer/editor. But I am also an author,pet-sitter, wildlife volunteer and have some background in film production.

How did you start your writing career? Like many writers,I just started writing stuff for my own pleasure, and then I wrote a movie script(still in my vault). I never sold it or anything. I figured one day I would be able to use it. I began writing as a CopyWriter for Fortune 500 E-Commerce companies which sharpened my skills a lot. When I moved to Arizona back in 2016, I couldn’t work for almost two years, so I decided to write a book.

Tell us about your projects. I wrote Charm City, which is now available to buy on and Barnes and Noble. It is a two part series, so I am currently working on part two, which I need to hurry up because my readers are getting antsy. (chuckle).
Lately, I have also been dabbling in music video treatments, which I absolutely love doing. I just finished assistant directing a music video for the Nigerian artist BadMan with the well-known Nigerian film director, Koka Ivi. In fact I’m making a lot of future plans for some projects involving Africa. I am also working towards a couple other opportunities with Music Production and Bay Area Magazines I will keep on the hush for now (wink wink).
What was your last moment of bliss?
There’s this new cookie place called Crumble by my house. They make the best cookies I have ever had in my life. SHOUT OUT TO Crumble! (If you ever need an ambassador, look me up!)
Is the first impression people have of you accurate?
Yes! I totally give off good vibes with everyone. And to be honest if you do have bad vibes with me, it’s probably because you’re not a good person to be around and I sense that. I don’t want to be around anyone like that.
How would your friends describe you?
Loyal, silly, hard working, definitely family-oriented, outgoing but a homebody at the same time,and an animal lover.
What characteristics do you get complimented on the most?
My smile and my eyes. Personality-wise, just being super friendly and outgoing. I embrace people a lot.
What fear have you overcome?
Being alone, meaning not being in a relationship. I was literally always in a relationship until now. I’ve been single about a year now, which is the longest I have ever been single and not really dating.
What are your hobbies?
Writing and journaling of course! I just started traveling as a Wildlife Volunteer( it’s actually very fun and liberating). I collect crystals, candles, am very very spiritual, and have a part-time pet sitting business—which is technically a hobby of mine. I also love movies and writing movie reviews on IMDB. I’ve been working on a YouTube project for this as well, but that’s in the works.
What was your last DIY project?
It isn’t finished, but I taught myself how to do Lyric Videos on YouTube, just another skill and something fun to do.
What is your favorite place to visit?
What valuable life lessons have you learned?
(1.) Protect your energy (2.) Let your dreams fuel you and not your fears. (3.) Put God first. Those are my top three, but I’ve learned so many lessons and I apply them where needed.
Who is your hero and why?
My hero will always be my mother. I lost her when I was twelve-years-old, but I still remember everything she taught me and all I want to do is make her proud of me.
What’s the most interesting thing you learned this week?
Hmmmmm, that I am an awesome networker! Haha!
What skill would you most like to develop and why?
I want to continue to develop my creative writing skills; maybe my screenwriting and directing.
What’s your favorite scent and why?
Don’t laugh, but it’s cotton candy!!! Remember the small cotton candy sprays when you were a little kid? I actually still wear the cotton candy scent sometimes. But I love anything that smells sweet like cake and anything that’s gonna give you a cavity.