It’s halfway gone in 2020 already and the Consistent “Maxan record” boss “Manfesto” Is holding no bound back as he makes yet another Fierce entry with a brand new unusual Motivational tune titled: E Sure 4 Me (Prod by Gtunez)
Mixt and Mastered By Qase beatzDiaspora’s top afro-pop act, A varsitle multiple award-winning singer “Manfesto” who
has been known over the years for his deep conscious lyrical content
that sure leaves you in an immersed and spiritual realm of thoughts.This
time, he decides to dish out a song which calls for the need to
appreciate & motivate every hustler out there trying to make a
living this is a must listen for anyone who have been doubted that him/her cannot be great, listen up, and share your thoughts.Believe in your dreams I know say E GO SURE 4U