70 passengers fall ill with vomiting bug during flight from Mauritius to Frankfurt

A vomiting bug sickened over seventy people during the Mauritius to Frankfurt flight.

Condor airline Flight DE2315 was on its way from Mauritius to Frankfurt on Thursday, May 2, when it became apparent that a large number of the people on board were afflicted with the virus, according to reports.

When the plane touched down in the German city at approximately 5:33 p.m., a sizable number of emergency personnel were there to welcome it.

The crew had contacted ahead to notify ground officials of the critical situation. Eyes Of lagos reports,

It was found that 70 of the 290 passengers onboard had suddenly reported symptoms including nausea and vomiting.

A spokesperson for the Germany airline confirmed the incident to the country’s Bild tabloid, adding that the crew was not affected by the illness.

‘She [the pilot/crew] is also educated and trained for special situations like this,’ the statement to the newspaper said.

‘After carefully examining the overall situation, the flight continued. The aircraft landed safely in Frankfurt, where medical professionals were available to care for the affected guests.’

The airline, however, did not confirm the cause of the sudden illness, but noted that the food onboard would have been prepared in Mauritius.

‘Condor has already initiated an investigation into the case to get to the bottom of the cause and to derive possible measures from it,’ the spokeswoman added

‘Condor is working closely with all responsible partners and authorities. There is currently no result available. 

‘We generally do not participate in speculation about the cause, for example about individual menus on board that were prepared in Mauritius,’ the statement added.


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