Calvary greetings to you all in the name of Jesus. The title of my introductory write up for this column is “The orderly God”. You will notice that I have referred to Him as the orderly God. Yeah , He is The orderly God . Why is He the orderly God? He is the orderly God because He is unique, He is weird because His person can not be explained, because there is none like Him , His qualities and attributes are comparable and similar to none; hence I chose the article “The” to qualify Him because He is one of a kind. His uniqueness can not be compared to any other.
According to all sense of belief and rationality, to answer the question who is God?, we say that He is a supreme being, the creator.
Yeah, this is right but from the ministration of the spirit, I gather that God is the unfathomable Supernatural being, that exists in everything. How do I know this? I do because His presence can be seen and felt in everything in existence even in those things that exist in abstract ( i.e. things we can’t see but can feel their existence). God exists in the minds of all and He is at the center of every religion regardless of the name that it has been called or given. And as such I will say that He is the sole founder and initiator of the only genuine CULT to which everyone in existence belong whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not. Being a member is automatic. He, I mean Goď is the one that dwells in the secret place, again the article ” the” shows the uniqueness of the secret place that is being referred to here and yet is open and known to all because they are members initiated into His cult.
From the inspiration I am getting as I write if I delve into trying to make you understand who God is, I know we will probably never get round to talking about our main concern of the day which is “The orderly God”.
When most people discuss the first book of Genesis (the beginning) they talk about the creation story but today I am made to discern and see, the order in the works of God right from the beginning of His work. He is not only meticulous, He is amazingly orderly.
If you want to function efficiently and gain access to all the benefits available to the members of a cult or an association you must abide by its constitution, its set of rules and regulations and I figure same goes for the God’s cult to which we all belong like it or not and so if you really want to key into the benefits of the cult, harness them, prosper by them and rise in ranks you have to learn the rules and play by them.
So, in that first chapter of the book of Genesis, I see the attribute of orderliness in God . It is second by the attribute of creativity.The first verse of that chapter introduces us to the author of everything so that when we get on board, we can be sure that the one who is in charge is none other than the most capable. It says ” in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”Here His capabilities to whatever He wants to come into existence was established.
Then verse 2 goes on to introduce us to the state in which the earth was when it was created. It says ” the earth was without form , it was void (empty) and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”.
Now, from what I can see here as at the time of creation the earth was chaotic, shapeless and undesirable and the initiator, the creator being an intentional orderly God , hovered on top where He could examine the work so He can put everything in the right order.
If you really want to prosper in God’s cult and be an integrated and important recognized member, you the initiate must take the steps the initiator of your cult took. First He created and then He looked critically at His creation to determine what needed to be done to make His work attractive, productive and worthwhile. Many of us initiate projects obeying the rule of creativity but we don’t really sit back to analyze our work and organize them in the right order that will foster growth and prosperity.
In verse 3, After the Grand initiator took the invention of the state in which the earth was i.e shapeless, void and dark, I believe, He knew that for His creation to be perfect, He needed to order things correctly, this is where He figured that light should come before every other thing and then He decisively said ” Let there be light and there was light” . Had our creator not been intentional and taken inventory which led Him to arrange His work in the right order, do you think that the phrase that came thereafter ” And God saw that the light was good” would have come into existence. That phrase is the result of the assessment of the work done which gives the go ahead to proceed. If He wasn’t a God of orderliness He would have done something else which would have turned into the clog in the wheel of the creation process but Nay He created just what was needed and then every piece of the puzzle of creation conveniently started falling into place leading into the Success of the process of creation. Have you considered that you may have been having troubles or the modern day challenges all the time because you haven’t been following the rule of your cult by doing things in the orderly manner in which your initiator always does.
Orderliness, a very important rule of God’s cult. Whether you like it or not, You are a member of this unique cult and whether you join another, in search of what has always been a part of you or not, If you really want to succeed and prosper as well as experience the seemingly (not necessarily) most expensive things around us now “peace” you must follow the rule of God’s cult. And the first rule is to discover who you are and be orderly.
Before I sign out today, let me introduce myself to you. I am Sister Ekundayo olasumbo Alphonso. I am not a Pastor and I have no qualification whatsoever if that is what you are looking for but I am a talented writer inspired by the Spirit of God who is following His dictates as seen in the parable of the talents. Everything I write I strongly believe is based on the inspiration I receive from the Spirit based on the talent given to me by the Leader, initiator and creator of God’s cult and I am following the rules which says, “Bury not your talent” instead work with the talent to make it productive, less it be taken from you and given to another”.
If you have gained something or benefited in any way from this crude write up, please follow me on this corner for the follow up which will be coming soon.
Until then, seek knowledge and meditate on it to enable you organize your findings in an orderly manner. I remain your brethren your in God’s Cult. Shalom!
According to all sense of belief and rationality, to answer the question who is God?, we say that He is a supreme being, the creator.
Yeah, this is right but from the ministration of the spirit, I gather that God is the unfathomable Supernatural being, that exists in everything. How do I know this? I do because His presence can be seen and felt in everything in existence even in those things that exist in abstract ( i.e. things we can’t see but can feel their existence). God exists in the minds of all and He is at the center of every religion regardless of the name that it has been called or given. And as such I will say that He is the sole founder and initiator of the only genuine CULT to which everyone in existence belong whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not. Being a member is automatic. He, I mean Goď is the one that dwells in the secret place, again the article ” the” shows the uniqueness of the secret place that is being referred to here and yet is open and known to all because they are members initiated into His cult.
From the inspiration I am getting as I write if I delve into trying to make you understand who God is, I know we will probably never get round to talking about our main concern of the day which is “The orderly God”.
When most people discuss the first book of Genesis (the beginning) they talk about the creation story but today I am made to discern and see, the order in the works of God right from the beginning of His work. He is not only meticulous, He is amazingly orderly.
If you want to function efficiently and gain access to all the benefits available to the members of a cult or an association you must abide by its constitution, its set of rules and regulations and I figure same goes for the God’s cult to which we all belong like it or not and so if you really want to key into the benefits of the cult, harness them, prosper by them and rise in ranks you have to learn the rules and play by them.
So, in that first chapter of the book of Genesis, I see the attribute of orderliness in God . It is second by the attribute of creativity.The first verse of that chapter introduces us to the author of everything so that when we get on board, we can be sure that the one who is in charge is none other than the most capable. It says ” in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”Here His capabilities to whatever He wants to come into existence was established.
Then verse 2 goes on to introduce us to the state in which the earth was when it was created. It says ” the earth was without form , it was void (empty) and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”.
Now, from what I can see here as at the time of creation the earth was chaotic, shapeless and undesirable and the initiator, the creator being an intentional orderly God , hovered on top where He could examine the work so He can put everything in the right order.
If you really want to prosper in God’s cult and be an integrated and important recognized member, you the initiate must take the steps the initiator of your cult took. First He created and then He looked critically at His creation to determine what needed to be done to make His work attractive, productive and worthwhile. Many of us initiate projects obeying the rule of creativity but we don’t really sit back to analyze our work and organize them in the right order that will foster growth and prosperity.
In verse 3, After the Grand initiator took the invention of the state in which the earth was i.e shapeless, void and dark, I believe, He knew that for His creation to be perfect, He needed to order things correctly, this is where He figured that light should come before every other thing and then He decisively said ” Let there be light and there was light” . Had our creator not been intentional and taken inventory which led Him to arrange His work in the right order, do you think that the phrase that came thereafter ” And God saw that the light was good” would have come into existence. That phrase is the result of the assessment of the work done which gives the go ahead to proceed. If He wasn’t a God of orderliness He would have done something else which would have turned into the clog in the wheel of the creation process but Nay He created just what was needed and then every piece of the puzzle of creation conveniently started falling into place leading into the Success of the process of creation. Have you considered that you may have been having troubles or the modern day challenges all the time because you haven’t been following the rule of your cult by doing things in the orderly manner in which your initiator always does.
Orderliness, a very important rule of God’s cult. Whether you like it or not, You are a member of this unique cult and whether you join another, in search of what has always been a part of you or not, If you really want to succeed and prosper as well as experience the seemingly (not necessarily) most expensive things around us now “peace” you must follow the rule of God’s cult. And the first rule is to discover who you are and be orderly.
Before I sign out today, let me introduce myself to you. I am Sister Ekundayo olasumbo Alphonso. I am not a Pastor and I have no qualification whatsoever if that is what you are looking for but I am a talented writer inspired by the Spirit of God who is following His dictates as seen in the parable of the talents. Everything I write I strongly believe is based on the inspiration I receive from the Spirit based on the talent given to me by the Leader, initiator and creator of God’s cult and I am following the rules which says, “Bury not your talent” instead work with the talent to make it productive, less it be taken from you and given to another”.
If you have gained something or benefited in any way from this crude write up, please follow me on this corner for the follow up which will be coming soon.
Until then, seek knowledge and meditate on it to enable you organize your findings in an orderly manner. I remain your brethren your in God’s Cult. Shalom!
written by © Alphonso Olasumbo, 2024.