Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I know some people may frown at my choice of the word ‘CULT’, please do not take offense. God’s Cult is the only legitimate Cult, others are counterfeit. God created everything and initiated them into His own secret place, His Cult. The breach of the rules of this Cult is what led to the founding of the illegitimate cults that are in existence today.
Hmmm. Let’s not lose focus by arguing about the choice of words rather let’s look at the remaining works of creation from where we left off last time and critically examine the works of creation and see for ourselves the lessons therein.
In Gen Chapt 1 vs 4, after creating the light, God knew that just because the light overpowers the darkness does not mean that darkness is no longer in existence hence He created a divide between light and darkness; then He gave each an identity, he called the light day and the darkness night. And then He took account, He saw that it was good and the evening and the morning were the first day.
In Vs 1& 2, if you recall, the world was void, the only things present then was the waters and the darkness, then He separated the waters creating the Firmament as a divide between the waters above and the waters below. He gave each identity calling the waters above Sea and then it was the Second day.
From His works on the first and second day God made us to realize the importance of creating boundaries between two unlike things. Creating certain boundaries is an important part/rule of creation . The existence of chaos which God set out to abolish in the world during his creation works was re introduced into the world when the people chose to ignore existence of these boundaries and its rules. Boundaries between Light and Darkness, boundaries between the higher waters and the lower waters, boundaries between creatures on earth and in heaven, boundaries between man and other animals, boundaries…..
Then in Vs 10, He ordered the waters under to gather on one side and let the dry land appear. This He did still following the rules of orderliness, boundaries, identity and accountability. Here He called the gathered water sea-land the dry Land Earth. Then He moved onto the rule of productivity/ fruitfulness which gives birth to continuity. He made the Earth bring forth grass and herbs and then it was the third day.
From Vs 14-19, God created lights to separate the day from the night. He made two great light, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night and this is where the rule of leadership/ rulership came in. A leader or ruler is like a light that unto those following him. There were the sun, the greater light to rule the day and the moon to rule the night alongside its knights, the stars. God made us to understand hierarchical rule even in rulership. And the morning and the evening and it was the fourth day.
From Vs 20-23, God made us realize that He did not overlook the Seas, He made the living creature to inhabit the sea and bless them with fruitfulness. This is where we notice the law of abhorrence of vacuum in nature. He knows that if left unfilled undesirable elements may move it to fill the vacuum. Then the evening and the morning it was the fifth day.
He then blessed the earth with living creatures of all kinds cattle, creeping thing and beast . On this day, God emphasized the rule of rulership/ leadership. He created man in his own image to rule over everything He created. He blessed them with fruitfulness/ productivity which ensures continuity. Not a space what left empty and every living thing was blessed with fruitfulness to ensure continuity
In conclusion; The basic things I want us to look at and learn from our creator are as follows:
* The rule of creativity
* The rule of critical and analytical evaluation
* The rule of orderliness
* The rule of setting and maintaining boundaries
* The rule of creating identity
* The rule of accountability
* The rule of abhorrence of vacuum
* The rule of productivity/ fruitfulness
* The rule of rulership/ leadership
* The rule of recognition of hierarchical rulership.
If we can take time to read the first book of Genesis, meditate on it keeping in mind the pointers above may be we can see that what God is telling us in here is more than the amazing story of creation. And that He is using the story show us his personality and rules, thecrules we need to succeed.
My dear brethren, it is not enough to just read this article, lets take time to meditate on it and swing into action. Even I am a Learner alongside all of us eating and drinking from the fountain of life provided by our Lord Jesus Christ.
I remain your humble Sister in Christ, Ekundayo Olasumbo Alphonso. SHALOM !
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