Businesswoman uses her tithe to give out food to needy and widows

A businesswoman wins people over by explaining how she distributes meals to the underprivileged and widows in her church using her tithe.

The woman discovered another way to serve the Lord and carry out his tasks, instead of giving the tithe to the church. Eyes Of Lagos reports,

Businesswoman uses her tithe to give out food to needy and widows
Businesswoman shares food to church members.

She revealed that she usually prepares food in takeaways which she distributes to her church members.

A video that she shared shows her sharing the food items to the many church members who lined up to get their own package.

Sharing the video, the lady captioned …

Use my tithe to feed the needy and widows in my church.”

Check out reactions that followed …

oluchukwu_____ said: ‘If you want more prosperity.. give the needy , give the needy , I repeat give the needy . It works like magic”

houseofneedlekraft wrote: “If you think bringing your tithe is giving pastors your money, you have no revelation on tithing. If you think giving to the needy is a way to pay your tithe, you have not yet mature in Christ.. one thing is sacrosanct,whether or not you decide to pay your tithe, your tithe will still be paid. You pay it to God or the devourer will still come for it except you are not a child of God.The plain full part is that you pay more to the devourer.know this and know true financial security.”

iam_kelvinossai remarked: “Tithe is not just cash. Tithe is 10 percent of ur income. If you choose to use it and cook and bring it to church for sharing, that’s fine. The bible didn’t say bring in your 10percent cash income to church. The purpose of tithe is to feed the poor and needed amongst us!!!”

alexanderadegboye stated: “This is Alms and not Tithe.”

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