As far as i am Concerned, there are only 2 ways to enjoy myself once i find myself in Ghana for a Construction Job, these 2 ways i will explain to you all my good readers!
As you see me so, i am a Foodie, i also take pleasure in whatever that will take off the body aches i get from my construction job and for these, i started searching for ways to meet these needs!
Because i am a foodie, first thing i did is pull out my Phone and search for “Nigeria Kitchen Accra”, what i found was amazing! It showed a great list of Nigerian food shops located near me. But then, i wanted something more than the average Nigerian Kitchen and so i kept scrolling till i finally reached one called “AdaOwerriKitchen
Seeing their Take away option, i quickly opted in for my favorite Egusi soup and Semo, some good Obstacles to juice it up and within 30 Minutes or there about, i had my meal delivered!
Wow, a bowl of Egusi Soup in the heart Of Ghana? I go no more – I declared!
So one way you can relax is to find a kitchen that serves what you eat. When i found AdaowerriKitchen, i became more comfortable in Ghana…
Another way to enjoy myself is when i have all stress taken off me In Nigeria i did this with a massage, so i had to look for a way to get a nice massage even in the heart of Accra.
When i search for a Mobile Massage center in Accra, Mobilenurumassage popped up on my screen, seeing the options available from her website, i quickly booked for a session and boom!
The masseuse came around and gave me a touch that even till date, i still cannot forget!
Therefore my friends, if as a Nigerian you find yourself in Accra and would like to enjoy yourself, first locate a good Nigerian Kitchen in Accra especially one like “AdaOwerriKitchen” then,if you would like body stress taken off you, locate Mobilenurumassage.
With the 2 services mentioned above, you are good to go my dear!